Sunday, February 24, 2013

Epiphany - A new year; a new PLAN

e-piph-a-ny:  "A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization"

Have Faith and Have Wings - Egret Nature Photography by Cape Hatteras artist Jennifer Johnson
Have Faith and Have Wings - photography by Blue Pelican Gallery owner Jennifer Johnson
I had an epiphany yesterday.  

On a rare day when my husband took our twin teenage girls shopping, and I spent the day with my son and a friend, touring the campus of UNC, and we all met back up at the Carolina Brewery to go to the Dean Dome to watch my beloved HEELS defeat NC State in an improbable win, (take a breath here) 
...I made a great business decision.  

As we reopen Blue Pelican Gallery in Hatteras Village this week, I am going to change my management style.  Instead of struggling to do the things that don't come naturally, I'm going to find people to help me who specialize in those areas of a business and LET GO of the feeling that I have to do it all.  If I hold on to that control that I have grasped so tightly since we opened our doors about seven years ago, I will continue to stifle my creativity.   

Love Family, Enjoy Work, Live Life    
My role model, the strongest woman I have ever known, my mom, Barbara Foster passed away on New Year's Eve from complications of her seven year fight against metastatic breast cancer.  The week before she died, she asked me to take better care of myself: lose weight, become healthier, stop volunteering so much, and focus on the things that make me happy. 

1950's - Barbara Foster, aka "Grammy"
 SO, Be on the lookout for fun, exciting, creative, NEW things at Blue Pelican.
 NEW artists.  NEW work from me.  A NEW look.  

New boards on Pinterest.   

New specials for our facebook fans.  

And finally, I'm going to find instructors for those knitting and crochet classes I have been promising since we made the commitment to add YARN to the shop at the end of 2012.

Step 1 - A Blog. I love to write. I always have. Thanks to the power of social media and the pages I have created to share information, I've realized that I really am pretty good at it.  THANKS to my friends, family, and "the kindness of strangers," I have received enough positive feedback and encouragement over the past few years that I am putting my fears aside and taking flight.

Step 2 - ...Stay Tuned!  I'm still figuring out step one

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